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Frequently Asked Questions 

Is there a time when you wouldn't recommend whitening?

Yes, there are some instances when we may recommend that you don't have whitening. For example, if you have tooth decay, this should be treated before starting any whitening treatments. Similarly, your gums should be healthy so if you have any gum disease, this needs treating first.

If your teeth are extremely sensitive to hot and cold food or drinks, whitening may not be recommended.

Some types of staining, such as tetracycline antibiotic staining, don't respond to whitening as well as others. Whitening, if successful, may take much longer on tetracycline-stained teeth.

Whitening won't work on false teeth, crowns, veneers or fillings (including tooth-coloured fillings). Instead, your dentist may be able to replace these with lighter ones.

Whitening isn't usually recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, or for anyone under the age of 18 whose teeth are still developing.


How long will the whitening last?

The whitening effects of different bleaching methods can last for up to three years, but this varies from person to person. Your eating, drinking, smoking and brushing habits may have an effect on how long the treatment lasts.

It's important to bear in mind that whitening doesn't always result in the whiteness that you expect. The results vary from person to person and depend on the shade of your teeth before bleaching. Therefore, it's important to discuss all the possible options for improving the appearance of your teeth with us before you make a decision.


Are there any side effects to whitening?

All dental treatment carries a risk of side-effects, which are the unwanted, but mostly temporary effects you may get after a procedure. With whitening these can include temporary sensitivity of the teeth to hot and cold and more rarely a sore throat, tender gums and white patches on your gums. These side-effects should disappear after a few days. Contact your dentist if the symptoms persist.